Friday, December 22, 2006

Just to say best of luck

To anyone that may visit this site from time to time!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Worst presents of all time.

Fisher-Price Power Wheels Motorcycle

The Fisher-Price Power Wheels Motorcycle is one of those toys kids salivate over for years. Even adults can barely contain their jealousy when the little brat from down the block whizzes by on that shiny plastic hog. But the ride wasn't always so smooth. In fact, on some models, there was a rather serious glitch.

QUEASY RIDER From zero to broken arm in 39 seconds

Eager youngsters who gunned the throttle found that it often stayed gunned, stuck in a petrifying state of perma-acceleration. Presumably, the child on the motorcycle was then taken on a hellish, intestine-twisting scream ride. At one point, he or she would face choices unthinkable except in an Evel Knievel meets Knightrider crossover episode: Do I jump? Or do I ride it out and see if I can clear the gully? Is it sentient? Can it be reasoned with?

In August 2000, Fisher-Price recalled 218,000 of the Power Wheels motorcycles, warning: "Children can be injured when the motorcycle ride-ons fail to stop and strike other objects." Stunt children everywhere observed a moment of silence.

Click here to see ten more!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Urban Ninja

This guy is class. He's doin stuff that I used to dream of when I was a kid.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Life threatening SatNav (taken from "The Register")

Two ambulance drivers' unswerving obedience to their satnav system ended up turning a 30 minute hospital transfer into an eight hour, 430 mile wild goose chase.
The crew were supposed to be moving a male mental patient from King George hospital in Ilford (UK) to Mascalls Park hospital near Brentwood, a 12 mile journey, but a faulty satnav system directed the London Ambulance crew 200 miles off course - and they ended up in Warley, Manchester.

Check out the full story here

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Worst Burglar Ever!!

This is class saw it on, Bore Me today. I almost pissed myself laughin.
Worst burglar ever

Monday, November 13, 2006

Experimenting with Google Maps

Bear with me im trying to include a google map. Its off down the bottom of the page at the minute but Il get there

Ok Ive just switched over to firefox v and have noticed that the google maps thing is working fine. anyway il try get it right with avant and IE.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Reality TV (The next level)

I know were all sick to the teeth of reality tv shows, where ordinary Joe Soaps are put through some ridiculous series of tasks for months on end. But trust our asian friends to take it one step further, and introduce a real test of your "manhood". Click here to see what im on about. Its best viewed with sound but not necessary. I wonder if RTE might be interested in this????

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I know ive been very quiet lately, ive been fairly busy at work, and couldn't be arsed breakin out the laptop when I get home. Ive been testing a couple of sweet phones lately, the samsung x820 (aka slimmest phone in the world) and today the Nokia 8800 Sirocco (aka the heaviest phone in the world) although it has a saphire coated screen which is apparently scratch proof and a stainless steel case and costs, wait for it.... 1K. Anyway I love Borat, click him for some Jaghesmash!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

johnny Logan revamps himself

This is fookin hilarious. Ive been trying to put it directly on my page but with no joy so far. Il get there eventually but for now, Click here and prepare to split your ass in two. :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Simpsons Quote:

Mr Burns on his Fiancee, Gertrude:
She died of lonliness............lonliness and rabies

Need I say anymore:)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dell recall batteries

You may have seen it on todays news,Dell are recalling a number of battery models that have been catching fire lately. Aparently six of these packs have caught fire already. If you own any of the following models of Dell laptops it may be worth clicking the link below

Latitude: D410, D500, D505, D510, D520, D600, D610, D620, D800, D810
Inspiron: 500M, 510M, 600M, 700M, 710M, 6000, 6400, 8500, 8600, 9100, 9200, 9300, 9400, E1505, E1705
Precision: M20, M60, M70, M90
XPS: XPS, XPS Gen2, XPS M170, XPS M1710

Click Here for a full list of effected batteries

My Speed on NTL Broadband

Heres a neat speed tester. Very fancy but the end result is the same. Seen this on TCAL.

Click here to test your speed

Creative's answer to the Nano

Check out this little gizmo. Its called the Creative Zen V, It comes in 1, 2 or 4 Gigs and the V plus has a video player also. Not full sure of the prices over here yet but for more info check out. Zen V

Friday, August 11, 2006

Hi Folks

So im up and running with my first blog..................
Its actually my second but I never used my old one.